RAD Fact Sheet


RAD was created in order to give public housing authorities (PHAs) a powerful tool to preserve and improve public housing properties and address the multi-billion-dollar nationwide backlog of deferred maintenance.


Nationally, Public Housing Authorities have converted 1,729 projects covering 235,340 housing units under the RAD program. This consists of 177,727 RAD Section 8 units, 34,970 non-RAD Section 8 units, 17,368 Low Income Housing Tax Credit units and 5,275 market units. That means approximately 536,000 people have had their assisted housing secured and preserved for the long-term on the Section 8 platform. Under RAD, the physical condition of these properties will be improved and capital needs for the next 20 years will be accounted for, ensuring that these homes remain affordable in perpetuity.

These transactions have secured $21,010,211,364 in construction investment, including initial reserve deposits, equating to $89,276 per unit built or rehabbed. That means that through RAD, 399,209 direct and indirect jobs have been created in the United States.

Based on closed transactions, the most active PHAs in RAD are:

Housing AuthorityClosed TransactionsClosed Units
New York City Housing Authority (New York)19 21,894
Chicago Housing Authority (Illinois)43 7,871
Housing Authority of the City of El Paso d/b/a Housing Opportunity Management Enterprises d/b/a HOME (Texas)43 5,955
Housing Authority of the City & County of San Francisco (California)41 5,735
Metropolitan Development & Housing Agency (Tennessee)22 5,593
Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority (Ohio)35 5,225
Housing Authority of Baltimore City (Maryland)29 4,474
Housing Authority of the City of Charlotte (North Carolina)50 4,345
Miami-Dade County (Florida)23 4,150
Housing Authority of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, D/B/A Fort Worth Housing Solutions (Texas)25 4,016

500 projects covering 52,469 units are currently in the RAD pipeline.


  1. RAD allows public housing agencies to leverage public and private debt and equity in order to reinvest in the public housing stock. This is critical given the backlog of public housing capital needs.
  2. In RAD, units move to a Section 8 platform with a long-term contract that, by law, must be renewed in perpetuity. A Use Agreement is also recorded under RAD, further enforcing HUD's long-term interest. This ensures that the units remain permanently affordable to low-income households.
  3. Residents benefit from a right of return, a prohibition against re-screening, and robust notification and relocation rights. Residents continue to pay 30% of their adjusted income towards the rent and they maintain the same basic rights as they possess in the public housing program and gain a new option to request tenant-based assistance if they wish to subsequently move from the property.
  4. RAD maintains the ongoing public stewardship of the converted property through clear rules requiring ongoing ownership or control by a public or non-profit entity.
  5. RAD is highly cost-effective, relying on shifting existing levels of public housing funds to the Section 8 accounts as properties convert.

To see photo essays documenting the resident experience, please visit www.hud.gov/RAD/news/photoessays. To contact the RAD team, please email rad@hud.gov

State Fact Sheet

Recap has developed a summary report, by state, for the RAD for PHA program. These reports provide state specific information on units converted, estimated number of families impacted, construction spending, jobs created within the state and information on the top 5 participating PHAs in the state.

To create the report for RAD transactions in a particular state, select a state below:

RAD Construction Investment

Construction Investment, Including Reserves,
in Closed Transactions

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Units Participating in the RAD Program

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PHA Name:

Leveraging Funds in RAD Conversions

There are a variety of ways in which the public can understand how PHAs have been able to use RAD to “leverage” additional sources of funding to improve or redevelop public housing assets. The following metrics have been calculated:
generated for every $1 of public housing appropriated funds, including public housing Capital Funds and Operating Reserves ("Public Housing Funds Leverage Ratio").
generated for every $1 of federally appropriated funds, including public housing funds, HOME, and CDBG ("Federal Funds Leverage Ratio").
generated for every $1 of federal, state or local funds, including federally appropriated funds and state and local funding sources ("Public Funds Leverage Ratio").
generated for every $1 of PHA-controlled funds, including public housing funds, non-federal funds PHAs have generated from other business activities, and the value of the asset ("PHA Assets Leverage Ratio").
generated for every $1 of governmentally-induced funds, including all federal, state, or local funds and equity investments motivated by tax considerations such as Low Income Housing Tax Credits ("Public and Tax-Motivated Funds Leverage Ratios").

RAD Across America

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