RAD Notices   

HUD has put out several notices in order to implement the Rental Assistance Demonstration. These technical notices provide in depth detail on the RAD program, provide for its organization and its implementation. Below you will find those documents, which are a reference point for those seeking additional knowledge on RAD.

RAD Notice Revision 4 (H 2019-09 PIH 2019-23) (Published September 5, 2019)

RAD Notice Revision 3 as amended Vs RAD Notice Revision 4 (Published September 5, 2019)

RAD Supplemental (Notice H-2020-09 Notice PIH-2020-26) | RAD Supplemental COVID-19 Guidance

RAD Supplemental Notice | RAD Federal Register Supplemental Guidance on Final Notice (Published July 2, 2018)

RAD Notice Revision 3

Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) – Supplemental Guidance 3.B (Published 12/11/2018)

RAD Federal Register Notice Implementing Certain FY 18 Appropriations Act Provisions (Published July 2, 2018)

RAD Notice of Increase in Cap and Rent Setting (Published August 23, 2017)

RAD Notice Revision 3 (Published January 12, 2017)

RAD Notice Blacklined Version of Revision 2 vs Revision 3 (Published January 12, 2017)

Fair Housing, Civil Rights, and Relocation Notice (Published November 10, 2016)
RAD Notice PIH 2012-32 REV-4

Purpose +/-

Definitions +/-

Section II: Moderate Rehabilitation Projects

2.1 Purpose +/-

2.2 General Program Description +/-

2.3 Eligibility +/-

2.4 Conversion Planning Requirements +/-

2.5 Special Provisions Affecting Conversions to PBVs +/-

2.6 Special Provisions Affecting Conversions to PBRA +/-

2.7 Special Provisions Affecting Conversion of SROs +/-

2.8 Conversion Requirements +/-

2.9 Additional Information +/-

Attachment 2A: Plan Requirements and Feasibility Benchmarks for Mod Rehab Conversions +/-

Section III: Rent Supplement and Rental Assistance Payment Projects

3.1 Purpose +/-

3.2 Last Date of Submission +/-

3.3 General Program Description +/-

3.4 Eligibility +/-

3.5 Special Provisions Affecting Conversions to PBVs +/-

3.6 Special Provisions Affecting Conversion to PBRA +/-

3.7 Processing Requirements for Prospective Conversions +/-

3.8 Processing Requirements for Retroactive Conversions +/-

3.9 Additional Information +/-

Section IV: Section 202 Project Rental Assistance Contract (PRAC) Projects

4.1 Purpose +/-

4.2 General Program Description +/-

4.3 Eligibility +/-

4.4 General Requirements +/-

4.5 Special Provisions Affecting Conversions to PBVs +/-

4.6 Special Provisions Affecting Conversions to PBRA +/-

4.7 Conversion and Processing Requirements +/-

4.8 Additional Information +/-

Att4A PRAC Conversions +/-