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Notice Listings on Eligibility for RAD
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Documents on Eligibility for RAD

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Questions on Eligibility for RAD

Eligibility of Units Located in a Flood Zone for RAD Conversion

Can you convert units located in a flood zone to RAD?

RAD is subject to the floodplain management regulations at 24 CFR Part 55. Those regulations do not prohibit assisance in floodplains, but do require a process to consider and mitigate impacts. Please keep in mind that in most cases, activities in a floodway will be prohibited.

Eligibility for RAD Conversion

Does a unit have to actually receive operating subsidy before it can be converted to RAD?

The unit must be receiving ACC subsidy at the time of the RAD conversion. However, the PHA may apply for RAD as soon as the unit is under the ACC (even if the unit is not yet receiving subsidy).

Section 202 Conversion to RAD

Currently, only Section 202 properties with a Rent Supplement contract (which are rare) can convert under RAD's Second Component provided all of the eligibility requirements have been met.

The Administration's FY 2017 proposal includes Section 202/PRAC properties under the RAD Second Component however, legislation providing this authority has not been enacted.

Eligibility of Mod Rehab SRO units for RAD

We see from the regulations that the Moderate Rehabilitation SRO program is excluded from participation in the RAD program. Is there a possibility for a waiver of this exclusion and how do we go about requesting it?

It is excluded by statute, so HUD does not have discretion to make it eligible. However, HUD has asked Congress to make Mod Rehab SRO eligible in the 2015 appropriation bill.

Income Limits for PBV Assistance

What income limits are used to determine whether a family is income-eligible for PBV assistance under the second component of RAD, at Rent Supp and RAP properties?

The applicable answer depends on whether there is a prepayment of the mortgage that would trigger provision of enhanced vouchers. Where there is no prepayment of the mortgage: To be eligible for the PBV program under the second component of RAD, residents at these Rent Supp or RAP properties must be low-income (annual income of not more than 80% of the median income for the area). The PHA’s administrative plan must allow for the provision of PBV assistance to these low-income families. If the PHA’s administrative plan does not currently provide for these low-income families to be eligible, the PHA must amend its administrative plan in order to administer the RAD conversion. This administrative plan requirement is consistent with 24 CFR 982.201(b)(1)(iii). HUD will consider waivers of 24 CFR 982.201(b)(1)(iii) to allow a PHA to provide assistance to these low-income families without an amendment to the PHA’s administrative plan, when needed due to the timing of the conversion (for example, when the PHA is unable to amend its administrative plan before the PBV HAP contract is signed). Where there is a prepayment that would trigger provision of enhanced vouchers: To be eligible for the PBV program under the second component of RAD, residents at these RAP properties must be low-income, and there is no need to amend the PHA administrative plan to accommodate these families. Please note that a moderate-income family (annual income above 80% of but not more than 95% of the median income for the area) who is elderly or disabled or is residing in a low-vacancy area (3 percent or less vacancy rate, as determined by the HUD local office economist) is income-eligible for an enhanced voucher, but is over-income for PBV assistance. Such families will receive enhanced vouchers through the conversion, and the units occupied by such families shall not be included in the PBV contract.

Demolished Project Eligibility under RAD

A PHA is considering applying for RAD for a project that has already been demolished. Is this project still eligible for RAD?

No. Only projects with units under ACC and in PIC are eligible for RAD.

RAD Eligibility for FHA-Insured Healthcare Facility

Is a nonprofit agency (not a housing authority), who owns/operates a nursing home or assisted living facility (currently with an FHA-insured loan), eligible to apply under RAD to convert units to PBV?

No. In the first component of RAD, eligibility is limited to units that are already assisted under the public housing units or Section 8 Mod Rehab programs. In the second component of RAD, eligibility is limited to units that are already assisted under the Mod Rehab, RAP or Rent Supplement programs.

Capital Fund Financing Program

My PHA is considering RAD but we have an existing Capital Fund Financing Program (CFFP) obligation. Can my PHA still apply for RAD?

Yes, any PHA with a CFFP obligation may apply for RAD. Some CFFP debt will not require any change in the structure or form of the CFFP obligation. In other instances, HUD will work with the PHA, following CHAP issuance, to attempt to develop a payment strategy to discharge either all or a portion of CFPP debt with eligible sources of pre-payment funds, which could include Capital Funds, Operating Funds, or funds proceeds from the RAD transaction, if structured appropriately. (Upated: 10/19/2012)